NEW ONLINE Medical Information Submission Process For Incoming Truman Students

Truman State University's Student Health Center and University Counseling services, operated in partnership with Complete Family Medicine, a service of Hannibal Regional - a not-for-profit health system, are available to meet your medical and mental health needs. The Student Health Center assists the University in obtaining the necessary immunization information required by the state of Missouri. 

To avoid delays, ALL NEW students (first year and transfer students) must use the below link to submit their online health history, immunization cards, and insurance information PRIOR to June 1 (for Fall Semester) and January 1 (for Spring Semester).

Online Health History Form

What you will need in order to complete the online health history form application:

  • Electronic copy of the FRONT and BACK of insurance cards to submit
  • Electronic copy of Immunization Records (for questions about required immunizations, see below list)

If you have any questions or concerns about the online submission process, please contact the Student Heath Center at 660-785-4182 or at

Required Immunizations

  • Per Missouri Statute 174.335, ALL students residing in residence halls, university apartments and any fraternity or sorority housing MUST have received their Meningitis A, C, Y and W vaccine (Menactra, Menveo, or Menguadfi) PRIOR to move in. The vaccine must have been given within the past five years and on or after the student’s 16th birthday. Failure to comply with this state requirement will result in delays in moving into the student’s housing.
  • Truman policy also requires proof of immunization against measles, mumps and rubella - often given together as the MMR vaccine. This is a series with the first shot given at or after age one year and the second given at least 28 days after the first one. Individuals opting out of this immunization for medical reasons must provide titer results documenting immune status.
  • Per Missouri Statute 199.290, all new students are screened for tuberculosis. Truman’s screening is located on the enclosed Medical History Form. The Missouri law states that, “Any entering student of an institution of higher education in Missouri who does not comply with the targeted testing program shall not be permitted to maintain enrollment in the subsequent semester at such institution.” Therefore, failure to complete the Medical History form in full, including the TB screening, will result in a hold on the student’s registration for second semester classes.
  • Meningococcal Immunization Policy Compliance Form
  • MMR Immunization Policy Compliance Form

TB Requirements

TB screening is mandatory if you fall in one of the following high-risk categories:

  • You are from or have lived for two months or more in Asia, Africa, Central America, South America or Eastern Europe.
  • You have been diagnosed with a chronic medical condition that may impair your immune system.
  • You are a health care worker.
  • You are a volunteer or employee of a nursing home, prison or other residential institution.
  • You have had recent contact with an active TB case.

If any of the above apply, the following is required:

  • Screening
    Tuberculin skin test (TST) or Interferon-gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) will need to be performed.  Student Health Center medical staff will determine which test to perform due to student’s risk factors. International students are required to have a blood test (IGRA) that must be completed in the United States. 
  • Prior TB screening
    In some cases, we may be able to accept documentation of prior TB screening (Mantoux skin test read in millimeter of induration) that has been  completed within the past 12 months and done in the United States .
  • Positive TST or IGRAs
    Chest x-ray is required for all positive TST or IGRAs

Health Supplies You Should Bring With You To School

Below is a list of basic health supplies which we recommend that you should bring with you to college.

  • Thermometer
  • Basic medications and pain reducers
  • Cough and cold medicines
  • Band aids
  • Small, basic first aid kit
  • Any prescribed, routine medications (a lockbox is recommended if you require controlled medications)
  • Nebulizer and peak flow equipment if you suffer from asthma

Students who choose to continue ongoing allergy immunotherapy or other medication injections at the Student Health Center must contact the Student Health Center to make arrangements prior to arrival on campus.

Again, we welcome you to the Truman State University community and we hope to help keep you healthy so that you may thrive academically. If either you or your parents have any questions regarding the requirements listed above, please do not hesitate to contact the Student Health Center at 660-785-4182.